Saturday, January 16, 2010


Droids- Starting something fresh in this year.


Carl Knox said...

these are great! did you pick one to pOlish up? :P

Mónico Chávez said...

Like the stuff on the last page. The more insect ones are great.

Unknown said...

Hey Brother I like it!

Unknown said...

Good idea but change the posture next time.

Vladimir Bursać said...

Hello Gulzar!

Great droids! I like them very much, as the other works on your blog.
You are really a great artist!

I like Alchemy very much.I's interesting project, but I still didn't find time to play with it.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you'll come to Serbia one day.


kalonji said...

i just love your random droïds !!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! They look like mean machines, and so different from the standard droid shapes. Would be a great challenge to develop these in shapes that would work in 3D as well.
Any more??

Boris Andreev said...

These guys look very interesting!
Great stuff and a very smart approach.